Raining Petals

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My Big Baby

My absence is the blogosphere is a clear indication of my lack of time. I am no longer an autonomous human being. I have an extra appendage. His name is Cannon. He kind of controls my life. And gosh I love him. Like A Lot. But I also have to forgo so much, so many things I want to do. And that is ok...there will be time later.

I have a rare moment of peace. It is just me. All 3 of my boys are asleep. If this ever happens, I am usually too exhausted to blog. But it is time to jump back on the bandwagon and record my memories. My history. My life. Lest it be lost forever.

I have been throwing around the goal of blogging every single night...nothing fancy...just day to day happenings. I should do it. Ok...goal set. I will blog every night for the next month and we will see how it goes from there.

This evening Cannon fell asleep on my chest (his favorite place to sleep on me and Josh) and then I transferred him to our bed at 8:00. Yes, he sleeps right in between  Josh and me. (Refer to first paragraph. ;)  At that point Josh crawled into bed next to him and expired for the night. Josh takes the "early to bed" wisdom very seriously. I shut them in the room and went out to the living room with Carter where I folded a load of laundry while we chatted.

I then loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up from dinner. I got all of our boiled eggs out of the bowls filled with dye and set in the carton to dry. Tomorrow Carter and I will dress them up like little monsters. We meant to do it all today but ran out of time. Then I ushered Carter into his bed. He doesn't ever fight me on bedtime but sometimes he likes to lollygag and prolong the inevitable. This night he just wanted to wait until I was right there with him. He saw a scary movie cover earlier on Netflix and didn't want to be alone. So I went with him and snuggled him in. Even though is was late I pulled out a book we are reading and read a couple chapters. He giggled a lot through the story and that makes me happy. The book is called Monkey Me and the Pet Show.

I read two chapters and then we said a prayer. He was still feeling uneasy so I told him to sing church songs and he would start to feel better. He asked me if I would sing to him. It has been a loooooooong time since I have done this. Like years. So I started out singing the two songs I always sing to Cannon and then continued through several other hymns. As I was singing Families Can Be Together Forever, he softly started snoring. I looked at him for a little bit and watched him sleep. I marveled that Josh and I created this human being. This big boy who is almost 8. He has so much personality and his own thought and feelings. But he came from me!! It is still surreal sometimes. At that moment I thanked my Father in Heaven for this tender, quiet moment that I needed with Carter so much. Lately I have been wishing for a moment to just concentrate on Carter and spend some time with him. It does not happen much at all these days because we all know 9 months old demand a lot of attention. So this moment tonight was a gift. Even though he is big, he is still my baby.

1 comment:

julie said...

This was beautiful. What sweet boys you have!