Raining Petals

Monday, November 5, 2007


Carter met a new friend while at Fred Meyer...you can tell what he thought of him. I didn't appreciate much the way he just stared at me with those dark eyes. I think he needs a nap.

Carter was our little chicken for Halloween. It came down to the last minute for me to pick a costume. I got it 1/2 off at Old Navy(yea me!) I thought it turned out really cute and everywhere he went people pointed and laughed (is that good or bad?) However, after looking at my pictures I realized I didn't get a very good shot and just might have to make Carter put the suit back on for one more photo shoot.

To Carter the wrapper doesn't stand in the way of getting down to the good stuff. The candy tastes just as good with or without the paper...it is a matter of if there is time to unwrap it.

Carter is having fun playing games at the Carnival @ ISU. He adapted the games to fit his skill but I must say he was pretty impressive. He knew just what to do without being shown. And he always picked the long Tootsie Rolls as his price...I wish he would have picked something I liked!!(I think that was his strategy)

Here Carter is trying to ditch us. It isn't hard to spot a chicken on the loose though and he never got very far.

Here is a full length shot...in this picture he is saying "bock bock bock" Josh is such a pumpkin head.

So, this Halloween was sooo much fun! We went to my parent's ward party in Twin Falls and Carter had so much fun and got to play with his cousin Halle(who was a lady bug). Then on Tuesday we went to the ISU Carnival, then on Wednesday(Halloween) we went to the mall and let Carter practice his trick-or-treat skills and then on to our ward party. Carter never said trick or treat...but he always said Thank You and signed it as well which made me so proud that he was polite. Some people who don't know he is signing thinks he is blowing them a kiss which is just as nice.

Carter was so much fun this year as he is a little bit older and he got into the whole "getting candy" really quickly. I think I got into it just as much as he did though!!

Here are two pictures from last year 2006. Carter was a pea pod for his very first Halloween. I wanted to put these pictures up to see how much he has grown. I really cannot believe how fast time goes by! He is 4 months old. Oh my I miss my baby!!


Ashley and Dave said...

I lOVE that costume! When did you decided to teach him sign language?

Us Bailey's said...

Very Cute Costume! Sounds like you had a fun Halloween. I ran into Katie and she said you were in Pocatello--I am too!!! We need to get together sometime (Katie has my phone number). Oh, and did you ever get my second email?

MarshandKrissy said...

Oh my gosh!!! Such a cute family!! It has been forever Laura--Your senior year maybe was the last time I even saw you! Wow how time flies!

Bradbury Bunch said...

What a little stud!!! I loved the pix and the pea pod is so cute too! I bought one for Lexi...for next year due to the 1/2 off price tag (we'll see if it fits her!) Your blog is so much fun!!!

*LaUrA* said...

For Ashley...so it takes me forever to figure out to answer your question...I started signing the few signs I knew to him since he was born...I love to see him sign. Now he learns so quickly and can learn a new sign after me showing him just once...the trouble is he can learn them faster than me and I only know a few....so he sings "Thank You" "More" "Eat" "All Done"...and My mind went blank..he knows a couple more but not much...so yeah...I need to learn more!