Monday, April 19, 2010

Life's Guarantees

#218 If you have a white board it will get scribbled on by a Sharpie marker...and if you are lucky, more than once.

I think there is something about a white board and a Sharpie that is to be envied...they always find each other no matter what. Where a white board is, a Sharpie marker will soon follow. Say that White Board is going to the prom..are you with me?...there are dozens of dry erase markers just swooning and drying out to go with the board...but if just one Sharpie shows its fine point tip around town then all bets are off. White Board will pick Sharpie every time, even knowing how bad Sharpie is for it. No self respect these days.

Word to the wise, lock your white board up, don't let it go out past 10:00, know who its friends are...because when Sharpie comes to town it will leave a permanent mark on that board's heart that is not easily erased.

It will also really frustrate Laura because she uses that board in the office to keep track of things and strategically and specifically placed the "safe" markers in the areas surrounding the board so that not a soul could possibly question what marker was okay to use.

Lesson learned...either don't have a Carter or don't have a white board. :)


  1. I've heard that if you color over the sharpie with a dry erase marker that it will take the sharpie marker off. Good luck :)

  2. hahah, you're hilarious and I love you.

  3. haha, got to love our little ones that teach us the impossible is realy possible!

  4. Phew...I don't have a white board or a Carter. Guess I'm in the clear!!!

    And thank you for the heads-up on the giveaway. I would have totally missed it!

  5. Oh, you should see what a Katy and scissors do, scissors and cloths/hair should never try a threesome. Oh boy, the unwedded children of cut up pieces I have all over my floor. Sigh. Good Night. You're my number one follower. I guess you are my only one too. Way to go!

    Love, love, love you, AND you want to be a guest on my blog, I know you really want to. I have soo many people reading it and all. Pick a topic, any could be this post for all I care. It would be fun! e-mail me

  6. oh my goodness girl you crack me up! You always have me laughing out loud. Love your Carter too.


  7. I ALWAYS use Sharpie on white board, and the regular stuff too. BECAuSE sharpie is easy to get off...with alcohol. rubbing alcohol, or hair spray, or lysol disinfectant. I write things that are really important, and sometimes the numbers of the calendar...And I use the alcohol to clean it at the end of the month :) try it.

  8. I too have used hair spray to get Sharpie off of surfaces. Works like a charm.

  9. Hey all! thanks for the comments! I guess I should have clarified that I DO know how to get Sharpie off the board...the frustrating part is having notes and messages, etc on the board and then having it scribbled all over so that it becomes illegible...then having to scrub it all off...and THEN try to remember what was on there and write it all back on:) I guess my story is a failure because I was just making the situation more light hearted and jokeful (it is a word!)...I didn't mean to make it sound like I am lame and don't know how to clean a white board...haha. I quit.

  10. Love it! And I understand your frustration! It happens to us all the time (although the marker never just stays on the white board-it generally gets all over the fridge too! Good luck! Carter is a cutie!

  11. I totally GET what you're saying here Laura!! And I LOVE how you wrote it out. You even had Nick laughing-just because it's so true!!! Don't you feel that sometimes Sharpies' just appear around your home too? I feel like I've hid every marker, but then I will see one laying out somewhere-usually with the lid off...Thankgoodness no nightmares yet-except for the wall, but I'm starting to wonder if Lexi has a stash somewhere! Thanks for making me laugh!!!

    P-S I just looked it up and according to wordnik Jokeful is a word!! :)
