Raining Petals

Friday, September 12, 2008

We All Need to Do Our Own...WHAT?

So I have been trying for the past few hours to bring the temperature of my blood down below boiling. Today started off great! Josh let me sleep in until 9:00 Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah...oh you know the words...then we got up and drove to Southaven to run some errands and then rushed back to our town to make it to Carter's well check-up and shots..dun dun duuuun!! Well so much for timeliness AND for making an appointment. Apparently, the clinic thought having one doctor come in for the day would be plenty. After 3 hours of of pure torture we were out of there! 3 hours!!! 3! THREE!!! I let it go the first hour and we went next door shoe shopping and made a stop at the dollar store to try and keep Carter entertained...but by the time we were called back I had a scream running up my throat ready to lunge out and spit fire! AHHHHH!! I will NEVER , EVER go back...okay I just might have to go back because it is the only clinic in our town...BUT only if it is an emergency...I will gladly drive to the next town next time! And we don't have health insurance...so having to fork over 120.00 bucks for completely wasting our time spoiled my mood even more...however, Carter now has 2 shots down(they didn't have the 3rd in stock...arrrgg!) He was so mad at the nurse! And I am just glad he doesn't blame me and latches on to me after as we both curse the nurse...jk...it isn't her fault.

But anyways...I try not to complain like this and can usually be patient...but we hadn't eaten, we were in a place with sick people coughing their germs at us, and they didn't have any TOYS in the waiting room! Carter really was a trooper for how long we had to be there...I think Josh and I were the ones with the major attitude flipping going on.

The nurse was asking me questions about Carter and then said "Do you think you could get him to pee in a cup?" I took the challenge looking for some relief to get behind a closed door and breathe for minute. I stood Carter up on the bathroom counter and held the cup up. I asked him if he could go pee pee in the cup and he laughed. So I held it up to him securely and he giggled some more and then said "what is that mommy?" and pointed in a different direction...as soon as I looked away he started peeing. I think he felt a little silly with me watching him, so he created a diversion! ha! funny kid! He was filling the cup up and Josh was trying to tell him to cut off the flow because we were worried of getting pee all over us and the floor...Carter refused and finished up right before it spilled over! Why do I tell you all this? Because when I told the nurse "sure" and went into the bathroom I was totally expecting to come out with an empty cup. I was so proud of Carter for being able to do that! He felt pretty proud himself too after he got a sucker and a sticker for his "contribution". I love that kid and all his miraculous abilities, even just being able to pee into a cup...I have a hard time doing that myself at times!

And to leave you with a funny story that keeps popping into my head every so often throughout the years. I guess it was about 3 years ago we were at church. A young, newlywed couple had just moved into the ward and the wife was asked to speak in sacrament meeting. Well, she was doing a great job and I was just listening and enjoying her words and then she said.."And that is why we all need to do our fart...uh..I mean PART!"...and she got flustered and actually shook her head a bit to try and shake that one off. Now as immature as I may be, I still think about this from time and laugh my head off. Her husband was sitting right behind us with some of his family and they all had to bend their heads down and have a good chuckle. I am just glad it wasn't me!! Poor girl...I bet she just hates that years later what people undoubtedly told her "Don't worry...people won't even remember this by tomorrow" is totally not true...ahahahaha!

What a classy blog I am hosting here...talking about pee and saying fart all in one post!


Liz said...

Holy moly! Three hours? That's absurd! Good job keeping the fire-breathing to a minimum. Though I think we'd all have sympathized if you'd lost it!

julie said...

hahaha, I love you! And go Carter! I am so impressed! Just potty-train him with a cup. :)

Unknown said...

Oh man! I miss that kid!!!!!! Grr.
That's so funny that he laughed about peeing in a cup and then created a distraction. How funny! Better watch your cups from now on though....

And I totally would have said something to someone there about the wait. That is ridiculous, but I guess they have that power if they are the only clinic and people still come to them.

I miss Carter.

nathan said...

haha that is so funny. sitting there would be PURE torture I did that once with a movie, fish, toys and books...I don't know how you did it.
also- when you started that story I totally though he wouldn't pee in the cup too, I can hardly do that :) kudos carter!

Bradbury Bunch said...

Three hours is ridiculous! However I do think I've spent 3 hours in a dollar store once...I love those ALMOST as much as I love chocolate! And the pee in the cup stoy is so funny too, almost as funny at the fart one! I could just see you laughing your head off!!

Way to go Carter! What a big boy!!

Bradbury Bunch said...

Three hours is ridiculous! However I do think I've spent 3 hours in a dollar store once...I love those ALMOST as much as I love chocolate! And the pee in the cup stoy is so funny too, almost as funny at the fart one! I could just see you laughing your head off!!

Way to go Carter! What a big boy!!

Kari said...

LOL, you are so funny! I love reading your blog, you write very well and you crack me up!

Three hours is way too long. Yuck. What a funny kid though for making you look away before he peed in the cup. He's so smart to create a little diversion for you.